Holy Avtar Vani - Shabad No. 244
Aalam hove kul ilman da jag nun sabak parhave je;
Haakam da mil jave rutba sabh te hukam chalave je.
Shoorveer vi hove bhara lammi umar guzare je;
Duniyan bhar di daulat hove sukh vi hovan sare je.
Bhanni kaurhi mull nahin paina jo kujh vi oh karda ey;
Kahe avtar bina rab jane murh murh jammda marda ey.
This verse explains that one shall undergo the cycle of birth and death unless he has realized God. One may be the Master of all branches of knowledge, and may teach every-one in the world. One may attain the status of a supreme and command on eve-ryone. One may be a brave or fearless fighter and may have a long life. One may possess all the wealth of this world and enjoy all comforts and luxuries in life. Whatever he does will not be found of any value at last.